What's In My Basket

Before I start a new chapter, I must remind myself of the frustration experienced

when I spot someone wearing a piece of clothing by Cabbages & Roses, from seasons

past, a piece of clothing that I let slip away and did not have the pleasure of owning.

Of course I am lucky enough to be allowed to wear anything I like (within reason, for

a person of my age, stature, shape, lifestyle etc etc) but as life rushes past me and with

my inability to concentrate longer than a goldfish, I have resolved to take the time to

buy things from what is left of the Summer collection before I find myself filled with regret.

So, here I am, aged 63 and three quarters, size – well anything from 10 – 14 – with hair

far too long for my own good, and time set aside to really concentrate.

I should be concentrating on work, instead I am going to shop from

 A screenshot of the Cabbages and Roses homepage.
The Cabbages & Roses website where bargains can be had from

 A screenshot of the Cabbages and rOSES WEBSITE.

This is what has landed in my basket, and will hopefully be delivered by the Weekend.

I already have a black and white Wilfred checked coat which will see me through to the end of 

summer, but I am wondering whether the Robin Coat might be a good plan for daily use - jumping in 

and out of the car, walking the dog in inclement weather, and to feel rather ‘cool’ ?? And why 

haven’t I already nabbed these shoes?

A girl wearing a black and white checked coat and trousers. There is also a pair of black leather sliders pictured.

Robin Coat 
Black Leather Sliders 

Well, I have now…..

 A girl in a pair of floral dungaress and a striped pink coat.

I have missed the dungarees, to my eternal regret, having just seen Mama Mia Here We Go Again,

where Meryl Streep, only 6 years my senior, gets away with wearing them, but actually the

stripey coat is an essential for a jolly old lady – it’s in the basket.

 A girl wearing a pink checked coat and trousers.

Another beauty and I haven’t even gone past the coats….....

 A girl wearing a striped pink and oatmeal maxi dress with long sleeves.

I have longed for one of these since they were invented,

And now I am the proud owner of one.


I have saved £852.80


I feel I will love my purchases for a very long time to come.

I would love to know what you have purchased from the sale. Please do share with me in the

 comments section below. Until next time.....

xx Christina xx

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